Valencia forward Rafa Mir has spent the last two nights in jail, after being accused of sexual assault on Sunday. The 27-year-old so far has denied all charges, although he is yet to give his statement, but his character has been brought into disrepute.
Mir’s lawyer claimed that any sexual relations between him and the alleged victims, but he is being questioned by the police today. The victims allege they were sexually assaulted on Saturday night and then thrown off the property by Mir and his accomplice semi-nude.
Subsequently, a rather gruesome tweet made by Mir has come to light again. In 2013, Mir said the following, which has since been deleted.
“What a journey these two idiots and this f****** f** are giving me, will they shut up. Or do I have to get aggressive? Hashtag This didn’t happen with Franco.”
El Rafa con mente más abierta
— Don (@RaaikKoo) August 19, 2021
Mir would have been 15 at the time of the tweet, and while everyone makes mistakes in their youth, he was old enough to know better. His words are homophobic, and invoke former Spanish dictator Francisco Franco. The latter’s bloodthirsty regime nicknamed the white terror brought about an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 deaths in Spain between 1936 and 1975, with many more unaccounted for, and countless other atrocities.