Alphonso Davies edges closer to Real Madrid as Bayern Munich set to sign replacement

Alphonso Davies is Real Madrid’s top target to reinforce their left-back position during the upcoming summer transfer window, although they have seemingly cooled their interest in recent weeks. However, it could be about to heat back up again, as Davies moves closer towards the exit door in Bavaria.

According to Marca, Bayern Munich are close to signing Theo Hernandez from AC Milan, and the former Los Blancos and Atletico Madrid star is seen as the replacement for Davies. This would suggest that Bayern will look to cash in on the Canadian international over the summer.

Real Madrid have been willing to wait until 2025 to sign Davies (when he would be a free agent) because they view Bayern’s asking price to be too high, given the circumstances. With a replacement seemingly now sorted, that figure could be brought down to one that Los Blancos officials are comfortable with.

It remains to be seen whether Real Madrid can wrap up a deal for Davies over the summer. It could end up being a massive transfer window, with Kylian Mbappe and Endrick Felipe already coming in.

Tags Alphonso Davies Bayern Munich Real Madrid Theo Hernandez


  1. Hahahaha. Another player the Madridiots “want to wait” until 2025 because they are broke and think he’s going to wait for them until 2025 too.

    1. Madrid broke? A dey laugh oooooooo.
      Despite being declared the most valuable club world over ahead Man United and Barcelona, they have in recent years designed the best recruitment policy that emphasizes quality, young and players with high ceilings without necessarily breaking the bank like the galaticos era. Their highly rewarding strategy is becoming a prototype for many big clubs now to model.

      1. Real is corrupt, the cancer of European soccer. There is not one game without controversy when they play.

      2. Madrid is the cancer of european soccer. There is not one game they without controversy.

      3. @aloyilnlapa

        its the same guy under other name who once wrote “you are so dumb you must be black” to another user

        he usually talks to himself in comments too and you can recognize him by his impatience and stupidity in multiposting

        its the type of person that you should feel no remorse for laughing and and enjoying his frustrations, reading his KKK-tears all over this site entire year were immensly satisfying ha ha

    2. Hello illiterate mongoloid

      You seem to have a cancer in your brain, caused by extreme pain, stress, humiliations endured entire season at hands of Real, which caused you to think we are broke instead of you. As if not results are enough your club is failing its economy, cannot afford to buy players nor to fire their coach.

      This is of course extremely amusing for every Real fan.

      Same massage can be copied and pasted to you under your other name, Quattro4.

      Bortom line, the more you suffer the more I enjoy, haha.

  2. Madrid is the cancer of european soccer. There is not one game they without controversy.

  3. Real is corrupt, the cancer of European soccer. There is not one game without controversy when they play.

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