Liverpool enter race to sign Real Madrid’s top defensive target

Real Madrid have plans to sign a new centre-back in the next 12-15 months, and their top target is Lille’s Leny Yoro. The 18-year-old is considered to be one of the best young defenders in Europe, and he has been likened to former Los Blancos favourite Raphael Varane.

However, a deal for this summer appears unlikely due to Lille’s asking price, which is believed to be in the region of €60m. Considering Yoro only has a year left on his contract, Real Madrid are unwilling to pay such a high amount, so they hold off until 2025.

The problem with that is more clubs are registering their interest in Yoro. Paris Saint-Germain are already keen, and now Le Parisien have reported that Liverpool have entered the race in recent weeks.

If Real Madrid do get dragged into a battle for Yoro’s signature, they will be confident of securing his services, given their pulling power. However, Florentino Perez will not want to pay over the odds, so it’s a tricky situation that must be manoeuvred.

Tags Leny Yoro Lille Liverpool Real Madrid


  1. “If Real Madrid do get dragged into a battle for Yoro’s signature, they will be confident of securing his services, given their pulling power.”

    Oh really, moron? Do you want to bet that the Madridiots will lose the race even to lesser clubs than Liverpool or PSG?

    1. Hello illiterate mongoloid

      Unlike your club that has to settle for scraps what Real wants Real gets.

      You could have too, but instead you choose to overpay the heightly challenged hgh abuser with huge ears.

    2. When Real comes calling no other club stands any chance.
      Only if we deny, will the player choose to settle for some other clubs.
      Why would Yoro waste his career on shitty clubs like Loserpool or P$G?

  2. “so they hold off until 2025”

    Lol to get him from whom? From PSG or Liverpool who unlike broke GAYlacticos have the money to buy the player this summer? Typical backward, stone age brain Madridiot.

    1. Hello illiterate mongoloid

      Have your mental iIIness taken such drastic manifestation that you are arguing with author?
      It seems to me that this season of humiliations, being abused regularly by Real Madrid and abused by fans finally made your fragile sanity snap.
      Seems to me you need professional help, the mental abuse might turn you into a maII shooter or something.

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