Barcelona €100m short of reaching summer without transfer restrictions – and 260% salary limit increase

Barcelona were hoping to sanitise their finances this summer, but the lack of payment from their sale of Barca Vision has damaged their potential spending power. The Catalan giants are due €60m from German investment fund Libero this summer, in addition to the €40m that they have not paid from last summer.

There have been fears that if Barcelona do not manage to make up the money they are owed from that sale, they would have to convert the €408m valuation of Barca Vision into losses, which would torpedo the financial situation, requiring huge funds to make up for the losses of last season on the balance sheet. There have also been whispers that the €100m loan that is being negotiated currently is necessary to pay their top salaries in August.

However Relevo say that the €100m required from Libero is key to understanding the financial situation this summer. If they were to reach that figure, via payments or other means, then Barcelona would be in line to return to the 1:1 ratio of spending under La Liga rules, for the first summer since the economic levers. Another avenue of obtaining that money is the reported  €1.3b sponsorship deal with Nike.

It would also see their salary limit skyrocket. This season the figure was placed at €270m, but reduced after he January transfer window to about €204m. If they were to find the €100m missing in their accounts, then they would have a salary limit of €530m this summer. Their actual spend on their first team squad is believed to be somewhere above €400m in wages, although that could be higher depending on other sporting sections at the club.

However the same outlet explain that Barcelona have until the 15th of June to obtain the initial €60m to avoid causing issues, and a further €40m by the end of June to get back to unrestricted signings, but that is so far hypothetical. In addition though, there are other costs to account for. The bank guarantee of €12m provided by Laporta and his treasurer Ferran Olive is due this summer, which would see the pair pay that money from their own pocket, while the deal for Vitor Roque is yet to be accounted for. If Laporta does decide to sack Xavi Hernandez and his staff, their issues could rise by another €15-20m.

Ultimately, the idea of Barcelona going into the summer with any spending power is a hypothetical as things stand. With deadlines approaching, creditors will be able to put the squeeze on Barcelona, and investors will be able to negotiate better terms. Even if they make the 1:1 salary spending rules, they may not have the money to do much with it.

Tags Barcelona La Liga


  1. I know!
    Lets let a former drunk and someone who frequented court rooms to run a pigsty like bribELona. I am just sure the results will be according to the quality of management.


    Billions wasted
    Merely one Champ Leag. in over a decade
    Over half billion burned Ievers
    No CIasico victory in ten games
    Dumped out twice in Europa Leag.
    Change of four different coaches yielded three trophies
    Last three years amounted less than one trophy average compared to our seven
    No trophies this season

    1. it happens to the best of us😮‍💨 nobody is above mistakes
      take a look at Kroos for instance… I am sure he will be proud of being a Nazi

      1. Hello illiterate idiot

        How is season going? Any trophies? Any relieved humiliation or is it just getting worse?
        Tell me racist, how are you feeling? Bad? Worse? Oh terrible? Lovely! Haha
        Bad things tend to happen cretins with HGH abuser fixation.

      2. You’re the type of millennial that goes around calling everyone who disagrees with you a nazi. You also call any random white person a nazi. Anyone from a country you don’t like, is a nazi. Anyone with money or a job is a nazi to you.


        1. ironically, jj is the same idiot who once wrote that “you are so dumb you must be black” on one of his many names

          a complete waste of genetic material

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