WATCH: Pep Guardiola caught out by parking attendant with surprise request – ‘You’ll have to pay’

Manchester City Manager Pep Guardiola is undoubtedly one of the most intense men in the world, but generally keeps himself reasonably composed away from the football pitch. However he was caught off guard, as most people are when he found himself being given a parking ticket.

Guardiola was found parked on a double-yellow line in what appears to be Manchester city centre on Monday, and came across the parking attendant giving him it.

In the video, Guardiola can be heard reacting to the attendant’s request, with ‘You want a photo? You’ll have to pay for it.’

As tends to be the case with Guardiola, it can be hard to tell if there is a streak of irritation beneath his good-humoured response – at any rate, the attendant appears to see Guardiola depart without a photo. Nevertheless, it’s probably one of the more pleasant interactions a parking attendant has had with someone he is giving a ticket to.