Luis Enrique rips apart xenophobic comment on Twitch stream

Luis Enrique Martinez stands for little nonsense, regardless of what some factions of the media in Spain may say, and he demonstrated that once again on his Twitch stream on Monday night.

The Spanish national team manager was explaining what he was going to do with the money he earns from his Twitch subscriptions after the World Cup. He revealed that he would be donating it to the oncology department at Hospital de Sant Pau in Barcelona, where it would go to kids battling cancer.

One viewer responded to this news with the comment ‘Me to Catalonia, [I would] not [give] even water.’

Something Luis Enrique did not take kindly to.

“Well, very good. If you don’t want to give your money to someone because of where they are born, because they have the possibility of speaking two languages, that’s perfect, I respect that and I prefer that you don’t give your money. If anyone thinks that they are better by being born in one place or another, we don’t want your money.”

Needless to say, the Asturian coach makes a salient point.

It cuts to the very heart of divisions within Spain though. With strong regional identities often preceding a national ‘Spanish’ identity, the culture of fear and loathing between some of those regions, propagated by some for political purposes, is an almost unspoken problem that conditions almost all aspects of Spanish society. Luis Enrique rips those prejudices apart with a very simple statement.