Queen Elizabeth tribute leads to bizarre sight at iconic Real Madrid landmark

Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday, tributes from around certain parts of the world have been made to the departed monarch. Not least from Madrid, leading to an unexpected twist.

The Mayor of Madrid, the conservative Isabel Diaz Ayuso, is a noted Anglophile and has in the past christened a Margaret Thatcher square in the city, in tribute to the controversial former British Prime Minister, whom Diaz Ayuso considers an inspiration. Following the death of Elizabeth Windsor, three days of mourning were declared in Madrid.

As part of the tributes, Madrid decided to light up its landmarks in the colours of the British flag, red and blue. One of those landmarks was the Cibeles fountain.

It led to a jarring sight for many Real Madrid fans. Cibeles is the location where both fans the playing squad will head to celebrate big victories and trophies. However due to the tribute, Madridistas walking past will have seen a much-beloved landmark in the colours of their most bitter rivals, Barcelona.

Tags Barcelona Cibeles Real Madrid

1 Comment

  1. Given the fact that our fellas anglosaxons have a wonderful history of looting, pillaging, genocide, colonialism, imperialism and a wonderful present of warmongering, genocide and neotyrannical tendencies where an old guy was beaten for protesting covid measures, it offends me more is that a person can be “an anglophile” and have a position of power than Cibeles having a light show for a couple of hours.

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