Spain boss Luis Enrique follows Cristiano Ronaldo’s lead with witty Coca Cola comment

Luis Enrique has joined in with the Coca Cola saga, delivering a witty line ahead of his most recent Spain press conference.

The Spain boss has a history of playing the odd game during his sit-downs with the press, and he could not resist joining in with the Coca Cola drama, which was started by Cristiano Ronaldo.

The Portuguese superstar caused a stir last week when he moved bottles of Cola Cola from his press conference desk, hinting to those present that ‘water’ should be the drink of choice.

The comment caused a $4million dip in value for Coca Cola with stock-buyers taking Ronaldo’s advice in the short term.

And that has seen many players and managers deliver their own Coca Cola-related comments since, and Luis Enrique has become the latest.

In his press conference ahead of Spain’s clash with Poland on Saturday night, which was covered by Marca, he said with a grin on his face: “It’s Coca Cola Zero. It’s the sponsor?

“Don’t drink Coca Cola, kids.”

That comment is unlikely to have the same kind of impact as Ronaldo’s, but the soft drink continues to be a running theme at Euro 2020 press conferences, and that might not be such a bad thing as far as the beverage manufacturer is concerned.

Though, UEFA did recently warn those who have made comments about the Euro 2020 sponsor, saying in a statement, as published by Marca: “UEFA has reminded the participating teams that sponsors are essential for the realisation of the tournament and to ensure the development of football throughout Europe, including for young people and women.”

Tags Coca Cola Cristiano Ronaldo Euro 2020 La Roja Luis Enrique Spain National Team
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