Abidal’s open letter to Barcelona explaining he resigned from sporting director role

Eric Abidal has penned an open letter to Barcelona fans after he resigned from his position as sporting director this week.

Abidal – a former Barcelona defender – had been at the club in a technical role since 2018 and assumed his position last summer with Ramon Planes (who has now replaced Abidal in the role) as his deputy, after the departure of Pep Segura and the resignation of vice-president Jordi Mestre.

The Blaugrana had confirmed his exit earlier this week but the reporting from the club appeared to show that it was not a personal decision from the Frenchman alone but one that had been taken alongside the club, which Abidal has subsequently clarified.


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Benvolguts/des Barcelonistes, Vull aprofitar aquestes línies per acomiadar-me de tots vosaltres. Ho faig des de l’agraïment mes profund per haver pogut compartir dues etapes importants de la meva vida. Una com a jugador i un altre com a responsable de la Secretaria Tècnica del FC Barcelona. Aquest segon comiat contempla 2 anys en els que he intentat treballar per fer un Barça millor. Dues temporades intenses que he Donat de finalitzades per decisió pròpia. Malgrat que la Junta Directiva hem va ratificar dilluns en el meu càrrec, dimarts passat vaig presentar la meva dimissió. En els darrers dos anys he intentat ralitzar canvis que creia molt importants per al futur del primer equip. Malgrat el meu convenciment i la meva insistència no ho he aconseguit. Es per això que crec que ha arribat el moment de possar punt i final a la meva vinculació amb el club. Vull deixar constància de que he renunciat a l’any de contracte que encara tenia amb el FCBarcelona. Avui la situació del club es complicada, però no tingueu cap dubte de que desitjo de tot cor que es pugui superar i que els èxits tornin aviat tal i com es mereix aquest gran club. Gràcies eternes a tots. Visca el Barça i Visca Catalunya. Eric Abidal

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“I want to take advantage of these lines to say goodbye to all of you,” Abidal wrote on the Instagram post.

“I do so with the deepest gratitude for having been able to share two important stages of my life. One as a player and the other as head of the Technical Secretariat of FC Barcelona.

“This second farewell includes two years in which I have tried to work to make a better Barça. Two intense seasons that I have ended by my own choice.

“Despite the fact that the Board of Directors ratified me in my position on Monday, last Tuesday I submitted my resignation.

“In the last two years I have tried to make changes that I thought were very important for the future of the first team. Despite my conviction and my insistence, I have not succeeded. That is why I think the time has come to put an end to my relationship with the club.

“I want to record that I have renounced the year of contract that I still had with FC Barcelona.

“Today the situation of the club is complicated, but I have no doubt that I wish with all my heart that it can be overcome and that the successes return soon as they deserve to this great club.

“Eternal thanks to all.

“Visca Barça and Visca Catalunya.

“Eric Abidal.”

Abidal’s sacking of Ernesto Valverde back in January was his major decision at the club – the signings of Antoine Griezmann and Frenkie de Jong were said to be concluded before his arrival, with only the arrivals of goalkeeper Neto and Real Betis wing-back Junior Firpo last season overseen by him.

The former defender’s position was highlighted earlier in the season falling a high-profile spat with star Lionel Messi following on from Valverde’s sacking.

His position had been under increasing scrutiny for months following the internal chaos coupled with Barcelona’s trophyless season, which ended with a humiliating 8-2 defeat against Bayern Munich on Friday night.

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