Keita Balde’s amazing gesture to seasonal workers sleeping rough in Spain

Monaco player Keita Balde, who was born in Catalonia, has rented a building in Lleida to accommodate 90 seasonal workers who have been denied access to hotels due to the coronavirus crisis, El Diario reported today.

The winger, who is of Senegalese descent, announced yesterday that he was about to close a deal for a building that could house up to 200 people temporarily, with a large group already known to be sleeping rough in the area.

From September, an unused building in the Mariola district will be used to house the large number of fruit pickers who arrive every year to help in the harvest.

Speaking on Instagram live, Balde declared that everyone had to do what they can in these situation, and that he would be doing his bet to help those who are so much in need right now.

Beds, bathrooms and other basic facilities will be installed, in the hope some workers can move in later this week.

We’ve seen footballers make all kinds of kind gestures in the difficult last few months, and this is another commendable effort.

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