La Liga to be shown in all Spanish AVE trains

All La Liga, Champions League and Europa League matches will be available to watch live for customers on Spain’s AVE trains next season.

Due to the agreement reached between Renfe – Spain’s major train company – and La Liga, the railway company will be the “official transport” of the league competition for the 2019-2020 campaign.

PlayRenfe, the multimedia content platform of Renfe AVE trains, is currently available on all the main lines in Spain which link major cities such as Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, Zaragoza and Malaga.

The programming of the different matches of the three competitions can be consulted on the websites of La Liga and Renfe, where users can also have links to purchase train tickets along with the match calendar of the day.

The agreement with La Liga will also allow Renfe to be present in the usual channels of relationship and communication of the clubs with the fans, and the company will offer travel offers adapted to the needs of the displacements of the different fanbases.

The agreement with La Liga will also involve the development of communication and advertising campaigns for Renfe products.