Javier Tebas blasts Spanish tax proposals

La Liga president Javier Tebas has criticised proposed Spanish tax hikes and believes it could damage the league’s standing globally.

Minority Socialist government alongside anti-austerity party Podemos have tabled the hikes which would include a 4% tax increase for incomes over €300k.

This would impact a number of Spain’s highest earners including Barcelona’s Lionel Messi, who will now need to pay 52% on tax earnings as opposed to 48%.

“All these measures imply a negative impact on the accounts of clubs and affect more than 750 players and coaches,” said the Tebas letter, as cited by Reuters.

“Just the tax increases will lead to an impact of €80 million on the accounts of clubs, which could mean the departure of 20 elite players from our league.

“As a result (of the propositions) La Liga is designing a strategy to mitigate as much as possible the negative impact of these proposals.”

The Conservative PP and Ciudadanos are the main opposition parties to the government proposal.