Malaga slam ‘incomprehensible’ UEFA

Malaga have reacted with outrage to the news that they have been banned from future European competition by UEFA.

Earlier this afternoon, UEFA’s Club Financial Control Body (CFCB) punished the Andalusian outfit for unpaid debts with a ban from the next European competition they qualify for during the next four seasons.

“Malaga wishes to communicate its total disagreement with today's UEFA decision,” read an official statement. “The measures taken against the club are absolutely disproportionate and unjustified given the club's situation. We consider that the club is being punished unfairly and used as a 'Turk's head' example to others.

“Given the total and absolute indignation and consternation on the part of the club, Malaga wishes to state that it will work energetically and without rest to achieve justice, using all available necessary means. Malaga wishes to add that it does not understand, and considers totally incomprehensible and abusive, that after having received this judgement it must now wait an unknown period of time to know the evidence upon which it was taken.

“For the calm of all its followers, Malaga wishes to state that it will continue to fulfill the different phases set out for its process of internal restructuring which began last summer.

“In recent days an agreement between the [Spanish authorities] and the Martiricos club, under which the prize money retained by UEFA was un-embargoed. Furthermore, despite all the information which has appeared regarding the agreements which were not fulfilled by the club with Osasuna or its own players, Malaga affirms completely that these agreements have been fulfilled.”